RU | EN --:-- UTC Авторизация

Network Base

Satellites that will soon leave orbit
Name NORAD Apogee Perigee Deorbiting
MDASat-1B 99464 227.97 219.12 24-02-2025
YODAKA 98735 250.16 232.74 24-02-2025
ESAIL 99800 265.65 258.42 02-03-2025
ONGLAISAT 98733 304.38 293.37 02-03-2025
LEMUR 2 NANAZ 58697 279.17 272.55 03-03-2025
FLOCK 1C 11 40033 309.14 305.45 05-03-2025
CAS-5A 54684 296.19 283.19 06-03-2025
ICEYE-X19 52758 286.96 269.59 06-03-2025
DENDEN-01 98734 318.71 302.39 08-03-2025
DEWASAT-2 56180 278.97 275.37 11-03-2025
YARILO-1 46490 304.99 291.12 12-03-2025
HODOYOSHI-1 40299 278.71 273.30 12-03-2025
ICEYE-X18 52749 322.42 308.26 14-03-2025
Platform-2 99256 319.12 311.11 19-03-2025
Xingshidai 16 57422 284.93 274.88 23-03-2025
KSU-Cubesat 47954 337.40 334.24 28-03-2025
TAUSAT-2 55073 334.50 326.32 29-03-2025
DIDO 3 46284 329.74 327.04 02-04-2025
Object A 40899 326.62 318.94 08-04-2025
BGS ARPIT 98711 323.05 307.58 10-04-2025
YOMOGI 62298 361.10 347.46 11-04-2025
GLOBAL-20 52197 335.09 322.16 12-04-2025
This table is calculated based on the latest current TLE and updated every 24 hours.
Please note that the accuracy of the forecast decreases as you move away from the current date
Table calculation time: 23-02-2025 05:00